Saturday, August 30, 2008
super pissed now ,
whatever bye ,
you treat others the way
you dont want others to treat you
Friday, August 29, 2008
teachers day today :D
went back to my primary school ,
quite cool ,
sad uh , never talk much to some people , many of them changed already .
concert item was hilarious ,
and the air con in hall :D
ms jas changed my place because she said that i was talking , when i didnt
walaueh !
bye for now ,, i wanna ply grandchase already :D
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

gonna emo already , because some particular idiots like andreas dont believe the pictures
above is meeeeee, amanda ng ee hui.
look at the second pic :D ,
i must have irritated the hell out of him thats why he looks like that ,
see? looks like me right , they dont believe when i show them , heres a clearer view then (:
everything's started to go wrong when i was primary 3 ,
sad D:
and subway havent open , gonna study there one day with classmates .
horrible day today .
irwin , weijie and yong peng made me darn angry .
i had enough .
had cip today .
i'm broke already .
ok , maybe i'm always that broke .
me= liapase ,
clarice=amylase ,
alicia = enzymes
andreas=anus (sad for him)
esther=vm (wont mention , its too disgusting .)
kkkk , bye for now ,
readers , must believe me uh ? i'm really me upupupupupup,up:D
Saturday, August 23, 2008
sadd , olympics finishing soon D:
and li jia wei cried yesterday ,
tsk .
damn man ,!
hurry up , somebody tag me
Friday, August 22, 2008
my head's darn pain , having a headache ,D:
cant remember anything -.-
i jump , run or laugh too loudly , there comes the pain
what the helll luh .
so , bye (:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
i read your post .
i understand what you mean .
although you didnt say who it was directed to, it was obvious .
you are naive .
super .
its easy to say , but its hard to do so .
for example , you may do a hundred good things to me and 1 bad thing to me .
i may not remember the good things instead i will hold on to the bad thing you done .
thats human nature ,
didnt you requested to go back to how we were before ?
let me ask you this for the first and last .
how were we like?
tell me that straight in my face
,then i'll give you your perfect answer
horrible , super .
studied with clarice and co.
we did a few sums only then rush back for my piano lesson .
clarice had a fun time bullying lim min .
tsktsk .
we dared jasmine to do super dumb actions like
lying flat down on the bench pretending to be swimming in the water ,
i dared her to put herself towards the door and protest for freedom .
super funnehhhh.
xxxxxxx ,
cheer up man . you know i'm behind you .
shes not worth it .<3
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
crap wednesday man ,
firstly , i got banned for walking in class
and i had to stand for the whole science period ,
secondly ,
irwin , i'm sorry that i hit your right arm , i wont do it again ,
this will be the first and last .
thirdly ,
ms jas accused me during recess of telling ellabelle and huishan that she was coming
and said sarcasticly "so what did you tell them huh?"
thanks to huishan , she had nothing to say ,
huh in her face man !.
fourthly ,i owe weijie 2 packets of hello panda and i dont intend to return him ,
fifthly ,i hurt jasmine , and i had gotta treat her to ice cream .-.- i'm brokeeee .
sixthly ,i was super sleepy in band that i didnt bother to sight read my piece .
seventhly ,
i slept in tuition and i didnt know it , wth .-.-
seven events , my most unluckiest day of my life .
and i'm broke i still owe winie and clarice and phyllis money .
ohh man ,
and yingtian's and zhang mi present too .
ok , i doubt i can even save my money ,
everything goes all spent .
gosh .
i need someone super THRIFTY by myside now ,
because my money flying away
i cnt get esther because she practically spends ALL of her money away ,
i cant get clarice , because she spends her money like drinking water ,
i cant get alicia , because she eat pillows and will tempt me .
i cant get phyllis because she is occupied on tuesd and thurd and thats
when i spent my money .
i cant get briana because she has jk trail .
i cant get adeline , because she just scolds me .
i cant get andreas because he will ask me to buy and then eat part of it !
i cant get zm be cause shes more than super thrifty ,
who can iiiii gggggeeeeeetttttttttt??????
Saturday, August 16, 2008
yay , i'm not bored now ,
because irwin gave me a quizzzzzzy ! :D
#1 The first person who tag/pass you is?
Irwin tan
#2 Your relationship with him/her?
friendsfriendsfriends :D
#3 Your five impression of her?
he should STOP teasing me ! (:
#4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for you ?
ok , eh , he cheered me up with his crappyness :D
#5 The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
i cant rmb luh , i only know whats the worst thing he said to me
#6 If he/she become your lover, you will ?
lols its impossible ,
#7 If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be ?
#8 If he/she become your enemy, you will?
he wont . because he is superrrr forgiving , :/
#9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be ?
#10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is ?
ohyeah , he beat me in all my subjects so , i wanna beat him !
#11 Your overall impression of him/her is .
#12 How you think people around you will feel about you ?
i dont care about shitty stuffs
#13 The characters you love of yourself are ?
#14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are,
i hate my life
#15 The most ideal person you want to be is ?
i wanna be rich !
#16 For people that care and like you, say something to them ?
ok , thanks
#17 Pass this quiz to 10 person that you
wished to know how they feel about you. Pass to people with blogs only.
its random ok ,
01. ellabelle
02. esther
03. clarice
04. zm
06. phyllis
07. kiwi
08. felicia
09. irwin
#18 Who is no.6 having relationship with?
idk , i dont care
#19 Is no.9 a male or female?
hes a guyy , and i dont beat ppl too hard okay
#20 If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
impossible , it will be called a sistr brother relationsjip you know
#21 What is no.2 studying about?
#22 When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
just today -.-
#23 What kind of music band does no.8 like?
dont know
#24 Does no.1 have any siblings?
yeah , a sis and a brother
#25 Will you woo no.3?
#26 How about no.7?
lols she has someone in mind alr , right?
#27 Is no.4 single?
#28 What is the surname of no.5?
khoo bo yeeeeee
#29 What 's the hobby of no.10?
probing ! (:
#30 Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
they dont know each other.
#31 Where is no.2 studying at?
Peihwa Secondary
#32 Talk something casually about no.1.
#33 Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
#34 Where does no.9 live at?
serangoon , i think a pity he doesnt know where i live , tsk
#35 What colour does no.4 like?
pink white black?
#36 Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
yeah ma<3.
#37 Does no.1 have any pets?
dont know leh
#38 Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
shes hottt
#39 What is no. 6 doing now?
dont know luh!
Friday, August 15, 2008
hello ,
super bored now ,
bye :D
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
fine day uh ?
26th november , thailand trip confirmed .
:D ,
if i get to go , i'm gonna roam the shopping malls ,
and thats if they EVER allow , -.-
whats the first period today?
eh , science ,
ms lim heated the magnesium ribbon ,
sparks flew when it was heated ,
reading period was darn whatever ,
ohh , wth
co form teacher ,
shes taking us every wed and tuesd.
she want us to greet her everytime we see her .
math lesson was darn crap .
eben , clarice , huishan and me were talking ,
ms lee is GOING to be engaged ,
and eben's colourblind ,
he see black as white and white as black .
went to compass to get lunch ,
and home ,
gonna study for my science now ,
bye (:
ohya , and sorry to those who i luched with , if i offended you luh ,
esp. belle ,
srysrysry ! D:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
as usual , school's retarded today ,
lim min was being spastic as usual ,
know what she did?
fancy a 14 year old teen injecting botox on her face ,
tsk ,
i've got evidence leh . get from me the picture ,
i cnt seem to upload it onto blogger.
super funny ,
i'm scared , maths test , argh!
went to compass ,
libray , and talked about taboo stuffs ,
i'm like wth okay ,
kay , so thats my day , bye ,
my mum nagging at me again -.-
Saturday, August 9, 2008
national day , olympics ,
cool yeah , today's weather ,
raining ,tsk.
i cant find all my stickers , i only found 1 piece wth man
aha, i wanna agitate people with this ,
its called 3d stickerrrrsssss,

woohoo , toodles -.-
Friday, August 8, 2008
i'm sooooo bored man ! ,
andreas kept asking me for songs ,
and i'm yesnoyesno! ,
yayness man ,
we are drifting , thats what we are,
yup , dont you even think so ,
if you even know who am i
referring to , tell me what should i do ,
i wanna go back to the past , oh yeah
sec 1 , its always the best ,
i dont have to worry about relationships or whatsoever ,
so worries , no shitty stuff ,
no fucked up people around me ,
ok , i'm done ,
i wanna rantrant rant all the way :D
for gawd's sake ,
dont keep commenting why i keep scolding people ,
because i wanna indirectly tell this person , (that if she ever comes to visit my blog)
that i hate herrrrrrr!! fuckeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr
ok i'm here to scold again ,! here goes
ohh , fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
i'm super angry now ,
firstly , i think she act cute in front of guys ,
she dont show me respect , i shouldnt too,
she make me freaking angry on monday ?
i think , yep , during band ,
WTF , go fly kite luh ,
i gotta swear again ,
i wanna tell her in her face that i fucking hate her ,
but i didnt , you see?
i'm showing her respect when shes not !
ok , what do you treat me as uh?
an invisible person?
ok , i'm not jealous now ,
i wanna tell her something , and you told ***** to me in that act cute voice,
and i had to give in ,
wth okay ,
ok i dont care whether i offend anyone now ,
because i cant be least bothered?
ohya , i'm not that petty ,
because if its the first time you did it , i wouldnt be that angry ,
you dont rmb right?
because you didnt even thought about it ,
i left a chair beside me for her , because i wanna tell her about some teacher
thingy ,
and you had the cheek to say , come here ,
wtf ,
flyfly kite luh you !!!!!
jasmine , clarice , ellabelle , alicia , briana, andreas , winnie <3333333
i love them like fuck now , i know whats best for me now , i'll never ever trust you , never again
Thursday, August 7, 2008
ok , i cnt stand this anymore ,
i had enough ,
enough of your bitch face ,
the facial expression of yours that comes whenever we commented
about stuffs about you .
you think you're damn big right?
just because you are in favour ?
wake up pls .
you aint , arent or whatsoever you think you are ,
you are treating him as though hes a speck of dust in your eyes ,
tell the truth man ,
you're good at telling freaking lies like this , your lies ,
we know everything already .
if seriously ,
if you want a title , just go up to any guy , ask that person ,
be my stead huh?
are you just after that?
thats what my friends and i think ,
from what i think ,
anybody who likes you or whatever shit ,
is a blind one .!
bitch , go fly kite ,
i cant even be bothered with you ,
you're making him hopeing ,
hopeing on for NOTHING ,
and i'll repeat ,
nothing ! get it?
go get a life ? thats what u should fucking do now ,
i dont care if i offend you ,
but if you think i'm talking about u so be it then
after this i wont be swearing anymore , yup
shitface , super moody now gawd
shitshitshitshitshit , i wanna throw a bucket of shit onto you ,
this moment
and you know what?
u really suit the name , because u are one freaking person that have no sense of originality ,
i've done everything i could ,
undersatnd u , give you face or whatsoever ,
but did you think for him ?
u didnt , because you were so engrossed in flirting around ,
your insensitivity ,
i dont get it ,
hes still there thinking that its just a joke ,
sucha lovee idiot!,
jasmine , you were right, friends arent everything ,
i've learnt my lesson , i'm not gonna trust her anymore ,
she use it up ,
all her chances ,

Super angry now! ,
no mood to post alr ,
clarice just click on the picture and copy it .
dont cling on to one when theres no value in it!
whats the problem with you huh?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
hello bloggr,
i'm super upset today!
bye blogger
Monday, August 4, 2008
hello! ,
went to yio chu kang ,
thanks to phyllis's dad for fetching me back
or else i would have reach home at 8 plus .
damn luh! my dad ,he cheated me .
super unhappy about somethings ,
ms jas said i was petty! -.-
diao ,
because she just assumed :/
she doesnt even know whats happening ,
yup , super angry and annoyed
bryan long , i thought about it .
that day you confronted me on who i was referring to
yep , you were right ,
and i'm freaking annoyed by that person too ,
i guess you know who aye?
and in the meantime its also for anothere person too .
if that person whom i was referring too , u die also better dont tell her
ok? promise me that hor!
dont betray me
i hate people who do that to their friends :D
Sunday, August 3, 2008
downloaded mozilla firefox ,
okay , my blog sucks when you use mozilla firefox ,
so , to those who are using mf to view my blog .
changed to IE! ,
yup (:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
oh yeah oh yeah ,
going for band perfomance ltr,
i still havent perfect some parts yet! ,
esp the tambourine part ,
wish me good luck kay?!?!?!?!?!
i'm feeling funny now :D
Friday, August 1, 2008
as a junior ,
as a friend ,
as a -mate ,
as a partner to share woes with ,
i felt suffocated whenever i'm with you .
its really mean to say this .
but i dont feel like going back to the past anymore .
lets just remain the way we are now ,
how our relationship had changed .
its no use ,
acting as though we are close to one another ,
when i feel that we'r really drifting apart a lot! .
i think its hyprocrite , useless
in fact meaningless
yep , i use to remember the past ,
the fun moments , but now i dont .
it doesnt seem right ?
you may think i'm a bitch , or whatsoever.
because you never considered my feelings.
your insensitivity , thats what i hate about you
i never should have trusted you , because you are one of those whom i referred
to as hyprocrites ,
you did it again today . you'll do it again tomorrow .
but in the end , i'm not the one who lose out ,
its you . because you'll treat everyone the same you use to treat me .
a new friend comes , an old one go .
its gonna be all right when i see you again ,
i gonna close one eye alr , turn off my ears .
ask me if i'm wrong to do this , i'll say no ,
thanks uh , alot to you and xxxxxxxxxxxx,
i feel so happy now ,
you make me realise that friends are just a picture ,
its called freedom .
i'm free now
gossip about fines ,
yup . super dumb luh .
went to starbucks to get my drink with alicia , joey and yanhong .
alicia got the chocolate cream chip ,
i got my mocha frappe ,
mocha oh mocha (:
sat there for like 15 mins ,
alicia took the whole 15 mins just to realise that she can actually drink and eat
at the same .
yanhong commented that the starbucks paper bad
was high class ,
and when i ask him to get one for me ,
he called the early twenties cashier 'auntie' ,
no wonder she didnt reply ,
tsk .
band was oh not fine today ,
my crash was super lousy ,
halfway playing through it ,
mr beng on the thingy ,
and light were shown on my face ,
he ask me to move ,
but i was playing ,
alicia was laughing at me ,
so she didnt play one whole part ,
tsk. serve her right man,
ohya , btw .
i love this word .
because it stands for ellabelle alicia , and yours truly ,