Thursday, July 31, 2008
if thats the way you want this to be , so be it .
we started as friends in sec 1,
yep .
but now , we are through
i'm super sick of this .
i dont like you ,
so theres no point in carrying as friends ,
because both parties doesnt like each other .
yup (:
ohya , xxxxxand i saw your new blog alr ,its very obvious , yup she will know when she sees it .its a form of advice ,maybe you should take it away .its a little offensive?she didnt do that to you .theres nothing you can do about this ,i just wanna say this to you .but we'll still remain as the way we are before.the way we were last timethe second blockquote doesnt concern any of you ,yup , pls dont peek ,because , its directed to him .TYVM(: i feel like an idiot now ,its pathetic
theres no way i'm gonna go to the thailand trip alr . D:
great , fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

the blue ink thing was drawn by eben !

the purple ones are cedric's
idiots !
all of them tackle me ,
these were drawn during math ytd.
super hilarious.kept laughing ,
thanks to the super sadist guy , ebenezer.
had wushu today ,
tried to cheat ,but was founded out
bring it on is niceee,
superr ,
i wanna lent the tape from kieron and burn it leh ,
i wanna watch again
ohh man , starbucks closing down alr ,
600 branch in america closed down ,
alicia confirmed it with her brother alr,
so i'm gonna get my ice mocha tmr.
anybody interested to go with me?
i'm brokebrokebroke ,
treat clarice and alicia to sundae ,
gawd! ,
intending to get mcwings for my lunch ,
it ended up that i ate bowl noodles ,
because i didnt have money alr ,
maths's tough ,
the sets thingy .
history test tmr , i'm scared .
performance on saturday , i havent perfect the songs yet -.-
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
nothing changes , its still the normal routine .
yep , chinese lesson today was super hilarious ,
busy yakking away with eben,
and as usual , ellabelle wasnt listening , look what she drawn!
alicia , ellabelle , amanda , bandies rock! <3
ellabelle crumpled it , because i commented on the drawing -.- ,
therefore it looks crumpled
weijie and irwin , super irritating ,
their freaking gunshot ringtone
-.- lamee uh
went to have lunch with andreas , ellabelle , clarice , alicia .
andreas uh andreas , how can you pronounce the word mimosa, as mismosa?
and andreas words were really contridicting when we left school !
-.- tsktsk
quarrells , arguments , its really sickening ,
yep ,i was kind of convinced during band yesterday
you treat me as though i'm a speck of dust in my eye .
when you didnt need me , you push me away ,
not realising i'm even existing ,
after i'm stop playing audition, we've became hostile
when xxxxxxxxxx wasnt there ,you'll be w/ me
i'm tired of all this ,i dont wanna be treated this way anymore ,
i'm gonna ignore you , your nonsense , your insensitivity to others .
its gone , the feeling , the respect for you ,
you did it yesterday , you'll do it today , and will do it tomorrow again,
who knows?
i'm gonna talk my father into letting me go for the trip ,
oh pretty please ,i wanna gogogogogogo
Sunday, July 27, 2008
everybody feeling down now ,cheer up leh! ,love you guys a lot ! , so dont like that ,
friends are not forever , i just wanna tell you that ,
she may be your good friend , but she wont be there forever ,
forgive and forget , thats what i always do,(:
yup , but i'm petty at sometimes too .
and i dont practice what i preach .
so , dont mind me ,
yup , on to my daily life.
went for tuition ,
i wanna go poly now ,
i dont wanna waste my time in jc ,
and i found out something leh ,
my descendents are hans ,
woots !,
yay , tmr got band ,
gosh , i hope i can go for that end of year trip ,
either i leave early or i go late ,
okay , enough for now ,
i'm going to find someone to hear all my rantings now ,
and i just heard xxxxxx ,
cheer up ,,
dont think too much ,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
when some adult stikes 4d , he's lucky ,
but today , i'm even luckier than that ,
board bus no. 3 and 359 to piano tutor house ,
couldnt find her block so walked around the whole estate ,
-.- , gawd !,
had a mental block , couldnt remember the fiingerings ,
played my reportire wrongly ,
couldnt go home , no money in ez-link , posb bank inside no more cash alr ,
so went around asking ,
i bet i'll fail this time round or maybe a borderline pass ,
i wanna pass , i wanna get my grade 8 cert! ,
shit ! ,
and i cant go for the thailand ttrip , i may have to go after 2 days ,
by myself! ,
see?!?!?! i'm superr lucky right ?
somebody , hurry , congrat me ,
gosh , i sound like a fucking retard
yep , i know i'm not fit to comment anything ,
but ireallyreallyreally got to say this ,
XXXXXXXXXX, you said before that we treat you like sparetyres,
but have you ever wondered how u even treat us ,
you never considered my feelings,
much less know about it ,
because XXXXXXX is a better friend than me right?
you are always running up to her , leaving me behind ,
i hate you for doing this ,
esp the time when she said she had no partners ,
you said you are partnering her and not me anymore ,
yup , its reaaly downright selfish, irresponsible ,
Friday, July 25, 2008
today was super funny,
all thanks to lim min crazyness,
kept asking lim min if the feeling was pain ,
she covered her face in embarassment after
learning the "true reason" we were saying all these
lol ,
clarice, lets ask lim min again ,
fridays without band is wierd ,
omigosh , i wanna go for the thailand trip leh !
iwantiwant ,
but i will only come back on the 27th leh ,
lets hope the trip is after 28th (:
clarice , phy , alicia , lets get our ice-cream on monday ok?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
super dupeer disappointed ,
we got a bronze for band competition , but
at least its better then nothing ,
dont think too much ,(:
went for the dark knight mv ,
sat betwwen clarice and eben.
almost fell asleep during the movie ,
ebenezer tay wei jie ,
he keep asking me questions , disturbing me from sleeping
ESTHER lam make my phone better !,
she drop it , and now its able to scan my memory card again ,
woohoo!ty uh
short post , homewrk first ! (:
pictures tmrr!,
bitch luh you!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
great thanks to kiwi !<3
she helped me with the navbar.
gosh , theres so much homewrk
and i'm reallyreallyreally gonna die from it
andreas and alicia are out . T.T
why is everybody going out
u know what?i'm really starting to feel that you only want a name right?and make people feel jealous ,i'm like wtf .u arent worthy for him ! ,seriously , get a life .u expect him to always give way to you?no way man .everybody has a limit to their patience.oohh , i cnt go for the movie alr !i wanna go budden i cant skip the band thingyD:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
fianally lo , done alr , the pulau ubin thing.
thanks to my cousin insideinfo <33333333333333
dont you realise that you are so paranoid , you get angry at the smallest at things ,have you ever wondered how we felt?you said we dont treat you as a friend? wtfyou're just thinking too much
hey , u know what ?
i decided to delete my new blog alr and use back this one
-.- ,
school was so fineee today ,D:
jas vented her anger on alicia ,
wth ,
Junjie and hongyand were so disgusting ,
they use blue paper and put it in the blueberry water !
yuck , i can tell you that! ,
damn sucky ok:/
esp freaking wj!
ok here goes
1. The person who tagged you is ?
emilia wong wen si
2. What is your's relationship with him / her ?
classmates , friends whatever (:
3. Your's 5 impression on him / her ?
idk , shes taller than me lo !D:
4. The most memorable thing that he / she had done for you ?
she comforted me
5. If he / she become your lover , you will ?
she wont becuase she have someone in mind alr , RIGHT emilia?
6. If he / she become your's lover , things he / she has to improves on ?
Don know! i alr stated its impossible!
7. If he / she becomes your's enemy , you will ?
i don't think it will happen .
8. If he / she become your's enemy , the reason will be ?
we wont one lo ! we everytime talk one ! we are socialised
9. The most desire thing you want to do for him / her now ?
grant her her wishes
10. Your overall impression for him / her ?
i'm really amused at how she plys audition !
11. How do you think people around you will feel about you ?
idkidkidk ! walau this quiz veh irritating -.-
12. The character you love of yourself are ?
i love the way i am can anot ?!
13. On the contrary , the character you hate yourself are ?
I hate myself for forgiving her , giving her another chance
14. The most ideal person you want to be is ?
Myself ?
15. For people that cares and like you , say something about them .
TYVM , (:
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people
01. Jasmine
02. Phyllis
3. Bernice
04. Yingtian
05. Ellabelle
06.lim min
07. briana
08. Felicia
09. clarice.
10)esther. :D
i dont have to cause emilia wrote all of them out alr!
17. Who is number six having relationship with ?
cedric liao !!!
18. Is 9 a female or male ?
19. If 7 and 10 together , will it be a good thing ?
yeah man ! but 7 have got someone in mind alr! EEEEEE
20. How about 5 and 8 ?
21. What's number 2 studying about ?
shes studying on reletionship with concave mirrors!
22. When was the last time you chatted with number 3
23. Is number 4 single ?
24. Talk something casually about number 1 .
She's abigail!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
i dont know whats the problem with this blogskin ,
wtf , i need jasmine's ang help now !,
jasmine , helpppppp! ,
the stupid freaky thing on top the sliver colour one , makes me so irritated ,
and the stupid go away thing -.- ,
its suppose to be a right click function luh ,
walau , i dying alr ,
briana , dont angry luh ! , you werent there in the class when we were discussing about it
Monday, July 7, 2008
hello people !
Amanda(: changed her blog already ,
she cant stand the crazyiness
and she says shes not intending to tell anyone her url unless you are one of her
close friends ,
and btw dont bother goingto her links because she havent told anyone yet ,
dont bother (:
ask her for it , maybe she'll consider telling you (:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
hello earthlings ,
school was not bad today after all ,
except for the fighting with kian hao part T.T
andreas is no stingy lo ,
he owe me 2.70 you noe , then i just ate 3 fries then he reduce to 2,00
wth , he accom me until my bus come ,
i ask him throw for me , and i had to reduce to 1.50 ,
wth , @#$%^&*()
bye , off to ply:D
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
hello(: ,
back from school .
was damn unlucky in school today ok .
first i got scolded my ms jas ,
then i got teased by weijie , eben and esther ,
wtf .
alicia always says in chinese , it'll be gd if i get used to it ,
something like that ,
doesnt seem like it .
went to compass with the usuals ,
they had a hard time deciding what they wanted to eat ,
ohya , and clarice also cause andreas to have a superduper lonely fathers day :D
handphone battery flat , damn unlucky ,
realised that my key wasnt with me ,
so i stayed outside the house for an hour or so .
damn tired , i cnt have my sleep now , because i'm having tuition , wth .
hey ! why are you sucha @#$%^&*() !?
you aint qualified to be my friend anymore ,
@#$%^&*()! , ty likeng (: