Friday, June 27, 2008
alicia made me felt like a retard person today ,
we were made to shift our instruments in and out of the room ,
-.-but then ms akari didnt come ,
wth , means my energy all wasted okay ,
listened to touch my body ,
then alicia was like trying out the high pitch tune ,
wth , i shouldnt have agreed to do it ,
i realised i must have sounded like a idiot man !,
she told ryan ,
send ryan touch my body ,
he damn nonscence one leh , nver even hear then anyhow sing T.T
somemore wrong lyric man ,
throw me on the floor he dont know sing as what dumb phrase ,
i think is , lemme recall , ill ask alicia ,
aiya , its just super dumb ,
!@#$%^&*() i owe varunica 2 dollars , alicia 5 dollars ,
wth damn broke now ,
BRYAN , ty eh ! he treated me to the 1 packet of japanese seaweed
i'm gonna treat alicia , winnie and zm and bryan to mcflurry one day :D
until it comes (: .
i loveee band (:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
hello(:i'm broke already ley ,T.Tthis few days spent almost more then 20 dollars okay ,thanks to the notebooks and files man -.-and my haircut .walaueh , nobody notice my haircut aye ,i told phyllis and co. they say dont look like,alicia can be my witness leh ,right?varunica told me ms jas was like picking on me ,maybe she is leh ,i kept going scolding from her since yesterday ,today she scold me for no reason also ,WTH ,was talking to irwin and at the same time varunica was talking to junjie ,zz , she scold me , nver scold varunica ,ok , maybe i'm just plain unlucky ,went around compass with alicia , andreas , phyllis , jasmine , huishan ,i tell you something ,jasmine is pregnant leh ,How???????? give her some advice leh ,both of us went down to famous amos and bought a muffin each ,niceeee! phyllis bought her large fries ,wanted to buy my binder clips , but dont have the sizes i wanted ,accidentally said out huishan's name sorry luh . D:planning to go home alr ,then huishan called us and told us to accom. her because some sec1s was there,we thought she went on bus 156 then we left alr ,then she called me again ,and ask us ,T.T we alr in mrt station ,thought she left alr ,so we left too .sorry uhlol.i'm gonna play grandchase when my internet comes ,but in the mean time , i'm not downloading it yet ,because i dont have the time .woohoo ! i'm in leh ! for weijie's guild (:-.-stop being such a b(tch will you ?relationshipd are none of your buiness ,you dont have to bother ,dont't act tought , c'mon pls .ok , super pissed after i heard that ok ,done and byebye @#$%^&*() shyt
Monday, June 23, 2008
hello ,
recently thers one article on blogging right on expressing your feeling right?
okay here i go ,
i realised he/she doesnt treat me like a friend ,okay i like wtf , who cares ,cnt be bothered .T.The/she completely treat me like a sparetire okay ,nobody accompany then come to me ,walaueh ,kucf luh , i hate ppl like this the most ,i kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,even if i die i stil will hate you one kucfi kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,
even if i die i stil will hate you one kucfi kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,
even if i die i stil will hate you one kucfi kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,
even if i die i stil will hate you one kucfi kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,
even if i die i stil will hate you one kucf
i kucfing hate you man , ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,ihy,
even if i die i stil will hate you one kucf,okay done , i finish alr ,
walau , esther slap my bck today , she'll get it from me tomorrow .that idiot -.-
i stand up let ms jas scold for nth today ,
i look at esther , she scold me ,
i didnt even talk to her okay -.-
P.S ihyihyihyihyihyihy , even if i on my death bed i will still hate you like xiao i tell you , nth you do now will appese my , my stomach all full of hot air i tell you kufclufc ihyihyihyihy
난 당신이 미워요 제기랄
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
back from phyllis house ,
her younger sister is so funny ,
huh ! i found out her weakness ,
her feet ,
phyllis , do tickle her feet for me ,
she says its itchy.
played audition for a little while ,
clarice ask me why am i so noob for my level.
i play , they watch simpsons.
its quite funny ,
went to p.p ,
we are good citizens right alicia ,
not like clarice and phyllis ,
they jaywalk leh ,
we didnt ,
we waited for the green man okay.
okay , maybe alicia isnt such a gd one after all ,
she littered her fox sweet wrapper on the way to the bus stop ,!! -.-
demonstrated to clarice , how to get honey from a flower ,
spam andreas ,
queenie is a little emo aye ?
alicia and phyllis pangseh us at the playground ,
TSk ,
left me and clarice alone.
dont , maybe , i dont have manyt things to post about ,
pictures will be uploaded , after i come back from tutiion
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
ok , i just realised i'm damn silly and dumb.
super pissed at first ,
but after i thought about it , i realised that i'm just being angry over
small things like this ,
especially those tags -.-
-.- ,
i've known her for 2 yrs alr , i dont wanna spoil it ,
its nice , i like it
i appreciate your effort ,
i love it , or else i wouldnt even use it ,
i changed the blogskin because i chanced upon it , and wanted to learn how to make it okay ,
use blogger as preview
but i made the whole skin into a total mess ,
hurridly left home for tuition ,
was planning to come bck and changed my skin back to the previous one ,
i didnt delete it okay ,
dont think too much ,
okay , i promise you i'll use it for more than a FEW months ,
sorry and bye .
i getting seaweed sick ,
didnt know that the expiry date is tmr ,
ate all finish like xiao .
school reopens after 1 week ,
thoughts of seeing her makes me sick mannnnn! ,
wth ,
bored ,
ltr having tuition ,
sure damn bored one ,
cousin went bck already .
i dont wanna go bck sch
anybody ? have a survey ?
super bored ,
bye ,
likeng's a retard
Monday, June 16, 2008
had band today ,
damn tired .
zhang mi's retard action make me laugh the whole day ,
she didnt hand up the slips then she keep doing pushup , super funny ,
poor bryan aye ,
must get snare drum ready by monday ,
went to basement with alicia ho ,
she bought some coco whatever ,
the person ask her how many candles ,
she tells me , she doesnt know her father age .
saw a retard elephant with her human friend , fion .
she scared me aye ,
idiot .
p.s , wth , zm told me that she dont like my blog song , then she during band ask me for it ,
lame shyt
Sunday, June 15, 2008
hello (:
back from tuition .
super bored okay .
i'm gone (:
Friday, June 13, 2008
back from chalet .-.-
why do people have to check out by 10.30?
watched kungfu panda alr .
it was a last minute decision ,
actually was suppose to buy ice cream ,
then my cousin suggested we go ehub .
then ended up in the cinema .
lols ,
emilia sms me if i wanted to go watch kungfu panda during the show.
its was nice okay ,
especially the part when they were fighting
and the panda butt fell flat on the opponent face
okay ,
i'm done alr .
ltr got tuition ,
and i hate it D:
Sunday, June 8, 2008
okay , will be mia-ing from blogger from
1 week ,
mom banned me from computer D:
so ,
Saturday, June 7, 2008
she is bluffing herself luh ,
how can she get on with life like that
found out who that kaiwei is alr ,
lols ,
nvm , at first when "he" tag my tagboard ,
i was super angry ,
then i found out who "HE" is ,
lols ,
not angry , just shocked
wanted to ban "him" yesterday ,
but then forgotten ,
saw "his " ip code ,
checked it out .
and it turns out to be @#$%^&*(@#$^&*(%^&*($%^&*
okay , not mentioning names :D
lols ,
Friday, June 6, 2008
yup , another survey , i'm just bored to death.
Name 20 people. at the end of the survey, choose ten people to tag.
Don't read the questions first. Name the people first.
1- esther
2- zm
3- winnie
4- phyllis
5- alicia
6- clarice
7- jasmine
8- briana
9- likeng
10- wanling
11- wanting
12- felicia
13- emilia
14- adeline
15- bryan long
16- bernice
17- ellabelle
18- zoey
19- zoer
20- andreas
*its not in order :D
what is your relationship with 14?
♥ adeline , friendsfriendsfriends forever :D
Do you love 6?
♥ clarice, ohhhhh yes, I LOVE THAT TALLER THAN ME 1 CM MEANIE BULLY :D
did you see 13 naked before?
♥ emilia, no thanks.
how did you know 5?
♥ alicia , in secondary one
is 9 a girl or boy?
♥ likeng ,she is a not a girl or boy , she's a elephant . a huge one lol.
is 7 your best friend?
♥ jasmine , idk , maybe, she's my abigail.
how old is 19 last year?
♥ zoey , 10
what is 12's full name?
♥ felicia toh shi qin :D
did you kiss 17 before?
♥ nope, heyho, i not a kisser.
can 4 be in a relationship with you?
♥ someday . but right now , no i'n not les :D
who 2 always hang out with??
♥ zz , what has it got to do with you?
what school 10 go to?
♥ wanling, cedar girls
what is 11's telephone number??
♥ wanting , 1234565678 loh
what did 1 tell you that you will always remember?
♥ esther , ohh , she told me a lotta things man! @#$%^&*(@#$%^&
are you very close to 15?
♥ bryan , nope , not very
what is the very special thing you like about 3 most?
♥ she hates her name , and .....
what you hate about 8 the most?
♥ her loh .
If people say bad things about 16, what will you do??
♥ maybe i'll just curse & swear at that person.
Do you hate 20??
♥ andreas, nahhhhh,
what language 19 speak ??
♥ zoer, english,chinese,
two. ZM
three.dumbo the retard elephant
four. YOU
five. YOU
six. YOU
eight. YOU
nine. YOU
ten. YOU
Thursday, June 5, 2008
my mum banned me from computer today ,
but .lollol.
heard than esther copy my questions took 30 mins .
who ask you , first to do ,
lols kidding aye .
ok , piano was super boring today .
teacher ask me go out .
lame shyt , i dont want ,
i only want and morever , i no money.
toodles ,
i going watch my hongkong show lerhs.
where are eu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i m hunting for eu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i m bored~~~~~~~~~~~
sooo bored~~~~~~~~~~~~
amanda where are eu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

sho sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
see , its my third post today ,
i told you i'm super super bored already.
chatted with zm and blahblahblahblah :D
condfidental bahs.
okay nvm.
phy and andreas was super hiong okay .
i got so freaked out
okey not really luh.
lame shyt ,
got a scolding from zm again.-.-
she said i'm behaving like a moron.
and the answer she put for the one bad personality is that i'm retarded.
i'm super okay ,
likeng is the one who is retarded ,
i where got retard
i sooooooooo not.
people , breathe if you disagree with zm answer.
another survey , i'm just bored
Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
♥ er, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh
Anyone told you a secret this week?
♥ haha, yup
Did you have a good day yesterday?
♥ yeah sot of.
What was the highlight of today?
♥ stoning infront of the com
When was the last time you took a picture ?
♥ sunday ? with my cousin .
One bad point of the person who has tagged you to do this quiz .
♥right , shes !@#$%^&*()
Ever kissed your parents?
♥ -.- who doesnt?
Who are yours best friends right now?
♥ lazy to type , i have blisters on my hand luh :D
Do you hate anyone?
♥ yes, loads
Do you have a best friend?
Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?
♥ yeahhhhh, when no one was at home D:
Do you play an instrument?
♥ yes, i play the piano and percussion :D
What's the reason behind your display name?
♥ its just my name & my blog url
What do you think of the last person who cut your hair?
♥ @#!^& for not cutting my hair straight
In the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to most?
♥ the blessed journey of you & i
Name something funny someone said today?
♥ right, nothing was funny
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
♥ everyday, right now.
What is the last thing you spent money on?
♥ starbucks ice mocha
What do you think about smoking weed?
♥ nothing?? , and what 's that?
Whats your favorite drink?
♥ i love what i drink
Is the person you last hugged attractive?
♥ superrrrrr duper
What do you hear rightnow?
♥ music , when you look me in the eyes, i catch a glimpse of heaven....
How did you wake up this morning?
♥ my brother stepp on me -.-
Do you believe everything you hear?
♥ not all
Do you live near your best friend?
♥ no, i'm living so far away
What are you wearing right now?
♥ t-shirt and shorts loh
Wherewere you at 11:45 AM today?
♥ sleep lahhhh, in my comfy bed
How many letters are in your last name?
♥ five?
Did you have to use your fingers to count that?
♥ nahh
1) Single or taken?
♥ single
2) Do you like it?
♥ love it to the core
3) Would you still kiss your ex?
♥-.- , idk
4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
♥ -.- ?
5) Are you missing someone special right now?
♥ teehee, yes. my cousin
6) Have you talked about marriage with someone?
♥ hahahaa, duhh -.- , my cousin , she said if i get married earlier than her ,
i have to give her 100 bucks
7) Do you want children?
♥ thats for the future , no comments
8) If yes, how many?
♥ idk
9) Would you consider adoption?
♥ nahh, own blood are always the best
10) If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
♥ idk
11) Do you want someone you can't have?
♥ haha,
12) Do you get butterflies when your around your crush?
♥ nahh
13) Do any of ur EXS still have feelings for you?
♥ errrrrrrrrrrrr -.-
14) Have u ever slept at the opposite sex's House?
♥ i think i did?
15) Do you like someone?
♥ yups, my father mother and blahblah
16) Are you still in love with your ex's?
♥ -.-
17) What will you say if any or your ex's want you back?
♥ -.-
18) What last word would you say to your ex's?
♥ -.-
8 people to tag :
phyllis , esther , zm , clarice , likeng and abigail and others who wna do it
the questions are really super difficult to answer aye -.-
yoh! :D
i'm super bored ,
trip postpone to 18 june.
zm , i wna go out with you ,
but i'm not taking neoprints :D
went to cp at , and bck home agn .
lame shyt .
forget to take out the money in my pocket.
then i go wash it .
when u come to my house ,
u will see dollar notes hanging on the windowstill .
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
great , zm sister photos is lagging my computer.
had a scolding frm her ,
she on caps lehs .
because i kept appearing off and on .
purposely one mahs .
okay , i damn bored .

Monday, June 2, 2008
back frm band camp ,
it was super fun .
first day , was fun ,
second day was more fun ,
especially during the night ,
zm made me and mr tang laugh like hell .
third day was not fun , time to go home lehs
i went to sch with the feeling of missig home ,
then i went bck home , missing camp .
lame shyt.
i love zm ,
zm , i tmr then post those pictures and wish her :D
lols , i now super busy ,
you are superduper selfish , inconsiderate , and stubborn ,you dont give a damn about how ppl feel ,what for asking ppl to highlight for ,?you want find trouble is it ,even if ppl hate her , its lesser than the no, of ppl who hate ......forget it okay ?wait you'll go around bad mouthing me i'm not gonna give a damn about you anymore .say all you want ,and btw , its not your problem what,you say what wads the prob i am talkative thats my personality..her attitude is also her personality ,not your problem ,one thing is ture , you ARE talkative .so , think before you say anything .actions are louder than wrds.yeah , i'm siding her because she was once my good friend,now we are average .say what you want ,if you are gonna say that its not my problem .that your buisness .you can go get a life ,think for others , dont always think about yourself ,in life there will be ppl who hate you and treat you as a friend .those are just numbers okay ,why bother so much for . i love her , and thers no doubt about it .you cnt stop her .she cnt change in such a short time , i believe you wont too ,try doing this about anybody that i know , i'll hate you and i'll take my revenge for her/him :Dthats better , i get super pissed off just now with those posts ,
now i'm better :D
cheers , and bye .
lovely cousin went to korea ,
i'll miss her D: