Sunday, September 30, 2007
went to aunty doris bbq party yesterday.
shoo shoo fun lahs.
halfway smsing likeng and clarice.(:
shoo fun larhs.
me and myyie cousins play with the SPRAYER cans and SPARKLES
wanted to make a heart shape.
ended up, it turn upp to be a ,,,
dunnoe lerh.
dunch care.
tmr qqort maths test larhs.
iie sure do quite badly dhe lahs.
wish mxe gooooood luck !!((:
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Went bck to phss fure the parent
teacher meeting.
ms jas was late larhs.
went to jalan kayu to eat the roti prata.
the curry shoo nice lorhs.
then eugenia corl me
ask fure HER address.
blah blah blas.
iie dunch even noe.
went HEr house about 10 mins earlier.
nothing to do one larhs.
english was myyie only subject that iie fail.
Friday, September 28, 2007
didn't iie say iie wun be posting.?
who cares.?
went to compass point with clarice (:
at first briana was with us,
but after that we make her angry and then she left.
clarice bot mos burger.
she's sort of tempting mxe.
checked the mailbox.
shoo shoo nortts fair larhs.
myyie phone bill exploded larhs.
100 plus lyk that.
and iie must pay myyie self this mth.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
iie did very badly fure my xam larhs.
mr riyaz look very angry when he found out
some people were lol maliciously
STUPID larhs.
iie nver lol larhs.
then he called me qqo stand at the bck
then took mxe briana clarice ezlink card.
he seriouly tink tat without the ez link card we cnt qqo home larhs.
can take bus what.
thks to adeline and ebenezer fure telling me that iie ...
shss,its a secret.
went to compass with clarice larhs.
iie was lyk telling clarice to stop me frm saying chinese
then she herself oso speak chinese larhs.
iie just find it shoo difficult not to speak chinese.
oh yah.
went with clarice to buy mash potato.
iie regret noeing myyie marks.
iie rather iie past english then to pass chinese.
opps iie gave myself away.
iie failed english.
iie almost had an heart attack.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
hey peepoos.
iie qqort my skin all messed up.
no tme lerhs .
shoo dunch mind me okkaes.
blehs i'm just plainlazy
went home with phyllis today.
tmr qqort parent teacher miting larhs.
iie shoo scared larhs.
sure zhong zhao want larhs.
iie today shoo shoo shoo
guaiis larhs.
did myyie science revision while listening to music.
this will be myyie last post lerhs lorhs.
on hiatus till end of EOy.
study shoo hard.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Stupid teacher,
say ppl say yyourself.
iie die lerhs larhs.
myyie chinese shoo wunh do well dhe .
iie tink iie did
badly for conversation.
Guo lao shi looks shoo angry larhs.
went home with phyllis.
keep on smsing
clarice and briana on the way.
thks Briana for an-weing
must choing lerhs.
Study hard girl,
must pass EOY.
anybody body who have anyy ways of memorising things pls tell mxe.
Monday, September 24, 2007
came to klas with a high high mood.
saw esther crying.
no p.e. today.
coz raining mahs.
elmo ish a da huai ren.
kip on disturbing mxe.
iie dunch bounce.):
stupid darrell ,
yyou let mxe hear that word again.
qqort medical checkup today.
arghhs, dunch wish to talk about it larhs.
while we were in the room,
ms seah was lyk testing the boiis question larhs.
1 wrong,5 pushups,
then boiss turn to go in.
we qqort 2 wrong larhs.
then must do 10 pushups.
1000 apologies fure pang sehing yyou.
iie really need to go marhs.
or else wait iie cannot qo in the house.
myyie frewn told mxe this story.
Once , Serene tried to call myself ...then,
it happened the girl had the biggest shock
in her life!She pick up her house phone..
Dialed her home number
It RANG!!!
Mysterious women : You've been disturbing me!!
Serene....Serene: Who the hell are you how didyou know my name !??
!then, the familiar sound ended the call tooooooooooooooo
Serene was shocked how could she cal
lher home number with her house phone??
she was getting scared
The next day, Serene went to school
and told her friends about what
happened last night.
.Andy : Serene stop saying that stupid story of yours...
Alin : Yea you are scaring me
Serene : You guys don't believe me??
Then after school Serene brought Andya
nd Alin to her home
Right after serene had entered the house,the phone rang.....
Serene : Hello??
Serene's mum : hey darling remember to
do the chores for your mummy!
Serene : Okay Mum..Right after she put down the phone, it rang again
Serene : yes mum i know you will checka fter you come home
Im not your mum my dear...
Im Serene muahahahahaha
I want you dead but no ttoday... because i like to see your
timid looks
Serene immediatly hang up Andy and Alin looked at her
Serene said that the mysteriouswoman had called her again
Andy took out his homework as usual
Alin : oh come on Serene i don't takeyour jokes come do our work
and hand it up tomorrow to our teacher
Serene's teacher is on leave
Alin : hey Serene tomorrow you willdefinitely like your new teacher
!Serene : what?! new teacher?!!!?
Andy : oh shut the f**k up and do ourwork
The next day the new teacher came and Serene find out that the new teacher
was Miss SereneIt was fine for a few days at school
but serene was still timid
Then,Right on that Wednesday..Serene was found missing
Then the whole school went to look for her then she
was found by another girlin the locker room in one of th
elockers found DEAD but the brain was missing.
On that wednesday.. Miss Serene cooked Pig brain soup
I guess you know whoose brain itbelonged to...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
argued with likeng a bout her nickname.
iie won.
went to maths tuition larhs.
shoo shoo boring.
tuition teacher tell us she want to throw
sum kind of surprise party.
huishan hehe shoo funny.
thn iie say :
shss secrets.
studied while listening songs at the same time.
cannot concentrate lahs.
sure die lhes
tmr qqort geog test.
photocopy the study notes ;he ;arhs.
but iie read and read, everything go in come out
die lerh lahs.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
shoo happy today ((:
piano teacher gave myyie a mug.
blah blah blah.
my name origin: latin.((:
went home bout 12 larhs.
shoo late lorhs.
norrts allowed tp play the computer.
shoo went to tutor house early to play larhs.
disturb myyie tutor.
gave us honeydew to eat.
shoo switt larhs.
but dunnoes lehs, iie dunch lyk.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ms armbrose (fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck.)
stupid larhs she.
everytime only noe how to scold scold scold.
shoo buay song lah.
thks Briana fure dhe tissue and accompaning mxe to the toilet.
alvin shoo bad larhs.
oh man iie hate him!!!.
school gives mxe problems,
family gimme problems.
iie shoo tired larhs.
this world ish shoo damn unfair.
why does god treat mxe lyk that.?
am iie born to this world just to suffer.)):
iie'm shoo tired larhs.
iie hate myiie parents sometimes.
they shoo zhong nan qing nu dhe larhs.
iie primary one no handfone.
myyie brother primary one jiu yyou lerhs.
the price even more expensive then myyie handfone.
when can iie be a legless bird.?
iie really dunch wanto stop.
and and
sincere thks o
fore comforting mxe.((:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
went fure somestory telling thingy
damn boring lahs.
irwin, elmo, and ebenezer shoo shoo
bad larhs kip on bullying me.
teacher talk talk talk.
iie shoo shoo guai larhs.
listen until shoo attentively.((:
ms jas say iie 5.00 then can qqo.
but iie 4.50 then leave.
10 mins earlier nia.
no harm done .((:
luckily ms jas nver say anything.((:
mit eugenia at 6.00
eeyer, iie saw a naked man
wearing onli his BLACK underwear
shoo shoo disgusting.
i'm disgusted.):
Monday, September 17, 2007

Eeyer,yyou see the pile of black spots over there,what yyou see ish a pile of bees.
after sku ,went to mit miss seah,
saw that pile.
sum cher corled the bees EXTERMINATOR.
shoo unfair lhas they dunch let us see.
but mxe alicia zm and ellabelle still insisted lahs.
nver hear anything.
onli heared bzzing sound.
mu and zm first reaction ish to RUN.
iie heard ellabelle sreaming lahs.
shoo obvious
ting si guan lhe.((:
mr tan shoo bad lhas make us do 110 pushups.
hehe,he corled mxe up when iie rich 50.
ellabele shoo poor thing do 110.
orhss poor ellabelle ((:
Sunday, September 16, 2007
fianally done with the maths thingy.
shoo damn hard larhs.
asked elmo fure help.
he also blur blur the lorhs.
cor a lot of ppl.
but they all neber answer.
all of them qqo out larhs.
shoo shoo norrts fair.
brother qqort the computer first .
play somje stupid games.
tmr must qqo bck sku lhes.
exam also cuming lhe lorhs.
shoo shoo norrts fair.)):
Saturday, September 15, 2007
went to HER house.
damn her larhs.
iie qqort count dhen she say iie nver
then iie show her myyie attitude lorhs.
blah blahs.
went home .
watch myyie girl last episode.
shoo damn touching lorhs.
iie nver cry larhs.((:
corlled eugenia.
asked her whether shewant to mit at rivervale plaza.
stupid larhs.
later qqort tuition.
shoo boring lah.
qqo there waste on time onli lorhs.)):
Friday, September 14, 2007
bot jacobs to sku to eat ((;
clarice shoo bad lahs.
kip forbiing mxe frm eating eat.
she tempted mxe with a grape swiit lorhs.
shoo shoo bad.
went to band larhs.
shoo damn borin lorhs.
qqo there play only some
warm up thingy.
wyyie played dakota.
iie nver play anything larhs.
band finish bout 5.45 lyk that
waited fore clarice larhs.
they all ncdcc shoo shoo long larhs.
wait fure her bout 30 mins.
then daddy corl myyie say fetch mxe home
coz on the way mah.
ate noodles for dinner lahs.
went to tuition.
did sum geog thingy.
stupid ding kang kip on shouting vulgarities.
jiao bin etc.
tuition cher let us off about 8.30.
shoo shoo early larhs.
went to play computer a little while
his computer shoo damn lagg larhs.((:
luckily myyie com norrts as lag as his lorhs.((:
Thursday, September 13, 2007
almost went to sku late.
had drama today.
stupid drama teacher.
always make us do stupid things.
sighs shoo dAMN boring larhs.
nth happen today.
elmo forgot to but cuttle fish.
mr riyaz ask me and elmo and bigg ass to stand.
shoo damnb unfair lorhs
iie did not do anything.
shoo bad.
stupid clarice.
kip on disturbing mxe.
cnt stand iit.
elmo say mxe she lol.
make mxe distracted.
played badminton with adeline.
lawls,briana fell down.
naughty andreas lahs.
qqo pull her chair.
ohh~poor thing. ((:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
eat fried egg fure breakfast (yummy . (: )
went to skool lorhs.
today jasmine nver come.
iie shoo dumb tot she qqort come lahs then qqo take fure her her bks
die lerhs.
furegot to give xx the library bks lorhs.
qqoing ho,e lhe lorhs.
hold us bck to sing some school song.
iie nver sing (:
Mr beng them xtra lahs.
nobody ask him to qqo up on stage
then he qqos.
waste our time onli.
iie nver listen to the presentation lorhs.
mxe and benice that side sleeping.
teacher almost scold mxe lorhs.
but ended up nver.
had a fight with kieren today.
shoo angry lah.
none of his buisness then kip on critising mxe.
damm him lahs.
anyways,iie feel shoo remorseful nows lorhs.
although he sometimes say mxe.
but after all he quite good lahs (:
Monday, September 10, 2007
woke up late lorhs.
almost late for sku.
holiday iie everyday wake up at 10 plus
suddenly want mxe to wake up at 6.oo shoo nortts used to it lorhs.
went to sku.
shoo tired.
hmphs~ time fore p.e
clarice make mxe lol.
then iie...shhs its a secret.
then they say i **** on the ball but its on the floor lor.
then kip disturbing mxe shoo bad lorhs
today qqort sumtink big happen lorhs.
jasmine shoo funny.
went to band.
likeng beat myyie second high scor
but too bad lorhs,her fone spoit
shoo all her high score lost.
she actually better than mxe the lorhs.
but too bad.
this world ish just shoo unfairs (:
Sunday, September 9, 2007
sleep onli fore fiew hrs lorhs.
stayed up to watched tv.
buaiis,iie shoo tired.
handfone no battery lorhs
wento amk hub with family.
ate some american penne with spare ribs.
quite nice lahs.
then daddy ordered some seafood plater for 2 .
they bluff 1 lorh.
we al 4 person it until want to die lhe lors.
every body al past by sure look at us dhe lorhs.
stupid sea food patter.
almost died of heat stoke.
soo hot lorhs.
the car lyk no air con lyk that
some more iie sit at the place where qqort sun.
shoo shoo unfair lorhs.
iie shoo guais.
did al myyie homewrk.
did geog .
and science.
qqoing die lhes.
shho busy.
my stoach qqoing to burst lhe
Saturday, September 8, 2007
woke up shoo early lorhs.
went for myyie piano lesson.):
came bck bout 12.
corl clarice ask her geog wat to do.
clarice told mxe must rite what think lah.
cnt be bothered.
wrote crap.(:
then log off brother's computer.
went to play myyie lappy.
tried downloading audition secretly.
then stupid lorhs.
shoo unfairs cnt play.
log on to blogger .
sighs so boring went to friendster.
later still must qqo tuition lorhs.
feel lyk skipping but sure cnt de lorhs.
Friday, September 7, 2007
woke up with a high high mood.
ate rice for lunch.
dhen iie log on to msn and friendster.
hand fone okkaes lhes.
listened to songs and meddle with it untill battery flat.
shoo shoo unfair lorhs.
lost myyie winnie the pooh purse.
went compass point with my ex klas mate to get a niew one.
then we went down to the arcade to taken neo print.
shoo crowded.):
wait bout 20 mins for the stupid machine.
stupid computer dunch lnt mxe upload myyie pictures.
took bus 83 with myyie frewn lorhs.
shoo boring long time nver see her,
but iie dunh nnoe wat to tok to her.
then ended up she was the one doing all the toking.
iie onli sit down ther and say ''yes,yes".
Thursday, September 6, 2007
woke up in a low low mood.
yesterday come bck frm korea.
today qqoing bangkok
mxe handfone spoil.
the battery sumtink rong.
cnt sms.cnt chat.):
iie bot a lot of things frm korea.
make some gummies with myie cousins.(:
shoo shoo nice lorhs.
iie make LOT OF STARS.(:
no time to rite lhes.
shoo long nver update lorhs.):
shoo busy
away fore the whole week
dhen qqort shoo much homewrk.):
Sunday, September 2, 2007
woke uup at 7pm.
went to the airpot in a veryvery high mood.
waited fure everyone to arrive
must wait shoo long lorhs.
when cousins arrive,
went down to th food court to eat.
iie ate chicken rice.
shoo shoo salty lorhs.
then i bot teens and jellybeans to eat .
hmphs.mxe brother qqo steal the switts frm mxe.):
saw some ppl using computer.
then iie use a computer .
logged in to mxe blog and friendster.
buaiis~ noo time to write lhes.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
iie woke up ad 9pm feeling very tired.
walk very very slow to piano teacher house.
yayys,iie pass my test 114 (:
came bck.
fought with my brother fore the computer.
iie then treatten him. buaiis(:
then he let mxe use the computter.
no tuition today
tomorrow qqoing thailand lorhs.
that side shoo shoo dirty.
iie dunch lyk qqoing there lorhs.
iie shoo tired lahs.
went to take a short nap.:DD
then iie woke uup feeling very alert.